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Meross MOD 150 Diffuser (Detailed Insight)

Meross MOD 150 Diffuser (Detailed Insight)

In the modern era, smart devices have taken the market by storm, and rightfully so. Smart devices reduce the amount of work a user has to do to control their products making them convenient and efficient.

But all things have a catch to them, smart products have high prices which greatly hinders their potential. Among the crowd of smart companies, Meross stands out for its affordable and convenient products. Among a diverse range of products, Meross offers a Smart Wi-Fi Essential Oil Diffuser (MOD150).

The oil diffuser aims to spread a pleasant fragrance in your room and improve indoor humidity levels, all while making it easy and convenient to use. In this article, I’ll provide an in-depth analysis of the Meross Essential Oil Diffuser.

Unboxing and First Looks

Unboxing the diffuser
The provided adapter for the diffuser

The package came with a manual, a small booklet on “7 Things you need to know about Homekit” because yes, it can connect to Apple Homekit, it had an adapter designed specifically for the diffuser, a measuring cup to ensure you diffuse the correct amount and the diffuser itself.

The first thing I noticed was that the design is a lot smaller than the older version of the diffuser, which is good because the older version was too big and bulky. It comes in two designs, a dark wooden and a light wooden grain.

It may look wooden, but it’s plastic. The diffuser has two buttons for lighting and mist respectively for manual use. The other thing I noticed is that the diffuser is brilliantly designed so that it sits stable even when the charging cable is inserted underneath it.


Oil Diffuser

Meross Essential Oil Diffuser uses a specially upgraded micro-porous atomization technology that melts water molecules into a small nano-scale cold mist that releases fragrance quickly and fills the room.

The diffuser can even fill large rooms with fragrance in a really short time period.

Air Humidifier

The diffuser also helps moisturize and humidify the air ensuring skin care and avoiding loss of skin moisture.

Moreover, moist air can also help with respiratory irritation, sleep, and overall improved physical comfort.

RGB Lights

Even though lights aren’t the main purpose of the diffuser, it’s still a big selling point. The lights can change color or be turned dim or bright as per your preference from your phone. Additionally, the diffuser offers a range of 16 million colors!

You can set the diffuser to a specific color or let it cycle through at random. This wide variety of light options can be useful for many atmospheres.

RGB lights in the diffuser
The lights can be controlled by your phone.

Smooth Design

Meross did a good job at designing the diffuser’s exterior. It provides a removable lid to add water. The diffuser is big enough to store a good amount (400ml) of water but not that big to become over-conspicuous.

The diffuser offers a wood-like, earthly finish but that may or may not be against your preference. Overall the looks of the diffuser is a good, noteworthy aspect of it.

Timer and Schedule

The diffuser can be made to turn on/off at a specific time or when certain demands are met. This allows you to create schedules or routines like sunset, sunrise, etc.

Moreover, the schedules even work when Wi-Fi is down. Now you won’t be saying “My house smells bad, maybe the Wi-Fi is down”.

Low Noise and Long Duration

The diffuser has two modes, heavy spray and light spray. In the heavy spray mode, the diffuser can run for around 7-9 hours, producing a sound of 30db while in the light spray mode, the diffuser can work for over a whopping 14 hours at a sound of 25db.

The long duration and low noise let you run it before sleeping, without waking from loud noises or refilling the diffuser.

Remote and Voice Control

All functionalities of the diffuser, including color and mist options, can be controlled from your Meross app. The diffuser is also compatible with other smart home apps like:

Box of the diffuser
The diffuser is highly compatible

But you won’t get as much control over your diffuser in these apps. Moreover, you can use a voice assistant to control the diffuser with simple voice commands. For example, Hey Siri, turn on the diffuser.

Additionally, if you want to use it manually you easily can. The diffuser has a button for lights and mist but keep in mind you won’t have much control over your diffuser if you use it manually.

Ensures Safety

Even though the diffuser is made of plastic, it ensures safety for your family by using BPA-free products. Exposure to BPA (Bisphenol A) can be really harmful for young children and pregnant women.

It can cause cardiovascular, kidney, reproductive, and other physiological issues in both males and females.

Fast Local Control

Instead of going over the internet to your smart home app, the diffuser utilizes the router route for faster access. This allows responses to be extremely fast, like 0.01 seconds when you are at home.

This gives the Meross diffuser an edge over other diffusers which generally have around 3 seconds of response time.

No Need For Hubs

The diffuser eliminates the need for smart hubs! Making it much more independent and versatile. You just have to add it from your smart home app and scan the security code.

This simple and easy installation allows beginners and people without a smart hub to benefit from it.

Ups And Downs

Being independent from Smart Hubs is a praise-worthy aspect of the Meross Diffuser.The diffuser requires regular cleaning, which can risk spillage of the liquid.
The price of around 38 bucks is fair for such a product, considering it has RGB lights and doesn’t require a hub.Connecting the diffuser to apps other than Meross can be quite frustrating and buggy.
Safety comes first, Diffuser’s BPA-free material ensures your family’s safety.The diffuser’s woody theme can be unpleasant for more simplistic and modern-loving people.
The diffuser is super quiet and has a lot of storage to last a full night while you are asleep.
Pros and cons of the diffuser

Overall Score

After taking all of the ups and downs of the diffuser, I am giving it a score of 8 on a scale from 1-10. Yes I know there are some flaws in the diffuser, but the advantages outweigh them. The diffuser provides all you can ask from it.

It has a large capacity, it’s not noisy like other diffusers, and it has customizable LED lights all while being independent of a smart hub! It would be unfair to rate it any lower after seeing all those benefits.

The only reason for not giving it a 9 is solely because of reported pairing issues with other smart home apps by the verified customers. If Meross can tackle this problem, the Mod 150 Diffuser will easily become one of the best smart diffusers out there.

Unboxing and First Impressions


Is Oil Diffusing Toxic For Cats?

Essential oils are toxic for cats and can cause liver and other health problems. But it’s rare as the oils are very diluted in water.

But if your cat is sick or has asthma then consulting a certified animal doctor is recommended.

How Much Oil Should I Add to Diffuse?

Meross recommends a couple of droplets per 100ml of water.

You can use the measuring cup provided with the diffuser to measure water.


  • The Meross Smart Wi-Fi Essential Oil Diffuser (MOD150) is an affordable and convenient addition to the world of smart home devices.
  • Among the crowd of smart companies, Meross stands out for its affordable and convenient products.
  • It features a compact and stylish design, available in dark and light wooden grain finishes.
  • The diffuser serves as both an oil diffuser and an air humidifier, promoting relaxation and improving indoor humidity levels.
  • With additional features like RGB lighting, remote and voice control compatibility, and safety measures against BPA, the Meross diffuser offers a range of benefits for users.

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