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    Aqara’s New U50 Smart Lock: The Affordable Powerhouse

    Aqara’s New U50 Smart Lock: The Affordable Powerhouse
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    In an industry filled with expensive smart home technology, Aqara distinguishes itself with its U50 Smart Lock.Combining affordability with premium features, the U50 is not just a smart lock; it offers a game-changing solution for homeowners who are conscious of their spending but not prepared to compromise on quality and security.Today, I’m exploring why the Aqera U50 might just be the top smart lock option available for those on a budget.
    Comparison of U50 and U100
    Comparison of U50 and U100

    A Familiar Face with Key Upgrades

    Aqara’s U50 Smart Lock is almost a carbon copy of last year’s U100, but with two significant changes that make it stand out. First, they’ve removed the fingerprint reader.

    If you loved that feature, you might miss it but hold on because the second change is a real game-changer. They’ve slashed the price dramatically. At just $150, the U50 is in a league of its own. 

    I’ve tested countless locks over the years, and I can confidently say that nothing else in this price range offers the same combination of features, quality, and engineering.

    U50's safety standards
    U50’s safety standards

    Robust Security for Your Home

    I think the U50 is a great option for home security because it meets BMHA Grade 3 standards, which makes it suitable for the majority of residential homes. 

    While there are more expensive options for higher-grade security, I find Aqara’s feature of being able to replace the lock cylinder quite unique.

    This customization option allows me to tailor the lock to my specific security needs, although I am aware of some potential restrictions and warranty issues.

    Unlocking methods
    Unlocking methods

    Seamless Connectivity and Smart Home Integration

    The U50 has a standout feature: a dual communication setup using Zigbee and Bluetooth. This means that if your Aqara hub is having issues, you can still use Bluetooth on your phone to unlock your door. 

    The backlit keypad is sleek, easy to use, and doesn’t show fingerprints, which is a nice touch. You can set various key codes for different users, adding a layer of convenience and security.

    For Apple HomeKit users, the U50 is fully Home Key compatible, allowing you to use your iPhone or Apple Watch to unlock your door.

    Even if your device’s battery dies, it can still unlock the door. The lock also integrates seamlessly with Amazon and Google, and the automation options in Aqara’s app are truly impressive.

    Price comparison of U50 and U100
    Price comparison of U50 and U100

    Advanced Automation and Smart Features

    Pair the U50 with Aqara’s G4 video doorbell, and you get a seamless smart home experience. When someone rings the doorbell, you can view the live feed and unlock the door with a single tap. 

    This makes it incredibly easy to identify visitors and let them in. You can also set periodic passcodes, perfect for when your kid comes home from school, ensuring the passcode works only during specific times.

    These automations enhance everyday life in a way that many other smart locks simply don’t.


    Installation and Technical Specs

    The U50 Smart Lock is about 5 inches tall and 3 inches deep and wide, replacing everything inside your existing lock. 

    It’s rated to work in extreme cold (down to minus 35 Celsius) and keeps the four AA batteries inside your house.

    If you ever need a power boost, there’s a USB-C port on the bottom. The setup is straightforward, but if you’re renting or have a circular deadbolt, you might need to chisel away some wood, which can be a bit of a hassle.

    Check out my YouTube video about the Aqara U50


    • The Aqara U50 Smart Lock, priced at $150, offers exceptional value for its cost. 
    • It comes with a wide array of features that cater to various needs, making it a versatile choice for smart home enthusiasts.
    • The seamless integration with major smart home systems ensures a hassle-free user experience.
    • Moreover, its high level of customization and automation capabilities truly elevate the convenience and security of everyday life.
    • If you are in the market for a smart lock that balances affordability with quality, the Aqara U50 comes highly recommended.
    • By utilizing Aqara’s smart home hubs and app to oversee your devices, you’ll witness firsthand the remarkable convenience and enhanced security that it brings to your home.

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