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How to Stop TV Humming: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide

How to Stop TV Humming: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide

Most TV owners are familiar with the low hum of an otherwise silent TV that’s not turned on. This phenomenon can be annoying, especially if it’s late at night and you’re trying to sleep.

If your TV is humming even after you turn off the power, here are some quick steps you can take to fix this issue so you can enjoy peace and quiet once again:

Faulty SpeakersFaulty speakers produce a humming or buzzing sound.
OvermodulationOvermodulation occurs when these signals are too powerful for the modulator to handle, leading to video and sound distortion.
Ground LoopsTV humming from electrical ground loops usually occurs when multiple interconnected devices are plugged into more than one wall outlet.
Causes and their explanation

But keep on reading for an in-depth explanation of these tips!

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What Causes TV Humming?

Have you ever been watching your favorite show, only to be distracted by a mysterious humming sound coming from your television?

You’re not alone! TV humming is a common problem that affects many TVs and can have multiple causes. To fix the humming, it’s important to identify the source of the problem and take the necessary steps to address it.

The most likely culprit is the backlight on your TV. A faulty backlight can create buzzing noises, usually during the first few minutes of powering up the TV. Other potential causes include a loose connection or wire, a defective power adapter, a bad capacitor, or a faulty inverter board.

Once you’ve identified the source of the humming, you can start to take steps to address the problem. For instance, if the problem is with your backlight, you may need to replace it. If the problem is with a loose wire or connection, you may be able to fix it yourself with some basic tools. 

Additionally, if the cause is a defective power adapter or capacitor, you should replace these parts as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

With these steps, you should be able to fix your TV humming issue and get back to enjoying your favorite shows.

You can now use your favorite apps on your smart TV.
You can now use your favorite apps on your TV

Check if There is Any Physical Damage to Your TV

If your TV is humming, the first thing you need to do is check for any physical damage. Look for things like scratches, dents, cracks, or other signs of damage that could be causing the sound. If you see any physical damage to your TV, it’s important to get it fixed as soon as possible. A broken TV can lead to more serious problems down the line.

In addition to physical damage, you should also make sure that there are no loose wires or cables connected to your TV. Loose wiring can cause a humming sound as well, so make sure that all wires are securely plugged in and in working order. 

Once you have inspected your TV for any physical damage and loose wiring, the next step is to check the settings on your television. Make sure that the volume is set to the lowest setting possible and that any audio enhancements are turned off. If you have a separate sound system connected to your TV, make sure that all of its settings are also adjusted properly. 

If you’ve gone through all of these steps and still haven’t been able to fix your TV’s humming problem, then it may be time to call a professional repairman. A qualified technician will be able to diagnose the issue and offer you solutions for getting your TV back up and running.

A girl with a remote
A girl watching TV

Check if Your TV is connected to an Audio Source

If you’re hearing a humming noise coming from your TV, it could be because it’s connected to an audio source.

First, you’ll need to check if this is the case. Depending on your TV model, there are several ways to do this. 

For most models, you’ll need to check the back panel of your TV for any connected audio sources. This could be anything from a digital box or satellite receiver to a sound bar or gaming console. If you find one, make sure that it’s securely connected to your TV and that all the cords are tightly fitted. 

Once you’ve confirmed the audio source is properly connected, turn off the power to your TV. Disconnect the audio source from the TV, wait 10-15 seconds, and then reconnect it. Turn on the power and see if the humming noise has been fixed. 

If the issue persists, you may want to consult the manual of your audio device or contact the manufacturer. You can also try troubleshooting with the TV settings, as some TVs have options to reduce hums or buzzing noises.

Adjust The Sound Settings on Your TV

If your TV is making a low humming sound, there are a few potential fixes that you can try to get rid of it. The first step is to adjust the sound settings on your TV.

Depending on the model, you may have an audio section in the TV settings that you can access through your remote control. This audio section may allow you to increase the volume and even turn off the bass to reduce the humming sound.

Another thing to check is the equalizer settings. You can find the equalizer settings in the audio section of your TV’s settings. Here, you can adjust the treble and bass levels to your preference. If you’re not sure what settings to adjust, try experimenting with different settings until you find one that reduces the humming sound. 

You should also check if your TV is connected to any external speakers or sound systems. If it is, make sure that these devices are properly plugged in and that all cables are secure. Also, check if there are any updates available for your audio devices and install them if necessary.

Finally, if none of the above methods have worked, you should contact a professional for further assistance. A professional will be able to troubleshoot your TV and identify the cause of the humming sound.

If All Else Fails, Contact Customer Service.

A smart TV
A smart TV

If you have exhausted all of your options for troubleshooting the humming sound coming from your television and are still having trouble, it may be time to contact customer service.

Contacting customer service should be your last resort, as most issues can be resolved without any additional help. 

When you contact customer service, make sure you have all the information needed to help the representative diagnose the issue.

It will be helpful to provide them with the model number of your TV, the type of sound you are hearing, and a detailed explanation of what steps you have already taken to try to fix the issue.

Be prepared to answer any questions they might ask you and provide any additional information that is requested.

Customer service should be able to provide you with additional steps to take or suggest replacements or repairs that need to be done.

If it’s determined that a repair is necessary, it’s important to follow the technician’s instructions. If a part needs to be replaced, make sure to only use parts from an authorized vendor. Following these steps should help you get your television back up and running in no time.


Why is my television humming?

Answer: Temperature variations may cause cracking or popping noises. Electrical feedback could generate a buzzing, crackling, or humming noise. Organizing the cords and ensuring that the TV has adequate ventilation will help to keep it quiet.

What is the distinction between humming and buzzing?

Answer: Hum is caused by the 60Hz mains AC frequency superimposed on an audio or visual stream. Buzz is caused by the superposition of harmonics of the 60Hz (120Hz, 180Hz, and so on) mains AC frequency on an audio or video signal.

Is it common to hear silence when humming?

Answer: Tinnitus is a problem that affects the majority of the population at some point in their lives. It is characterized by a high-pitched sound, buzzing, or shushing in one or both ears.

Why do electronic devices hum?

Answer: The electrical hum (also known as the “mains hum”) is caused by alternating current (AC), which transposes voltage in the pattern of a sine wave. The frequency of this current in the United States is 60 Hz, which produces a tone that is almost exactly midway between A and B.


  • Fixing a TV humming issue may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. 
  • With the right knowledge and approach, you can successfully address and fix the issue in no time. 
  • First of all, you should check the power source and inspect the wires and connections to fix a TV that’s humming.
  • If all’s well, but you’re still facing the problem, then try adjusting the settings on your TV.
  • If nothing works, it’s time to contact customer service.
  • Hopefully, this step-by-step guide has been helpful, and you can now confidently fix your TV humming issue!

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